Cuong Than,
Derek Ruths,
Hideki Innan and
Luay Nakhleh. Confounding Factors in HGT Detection: Statistical Error, Coalescent Effects, and Multiple Solutions. In JCB, Vol. 14(4):517-535, 2007. Keywords: counting, explicit network, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program LatTrans, Program PhyloNet. Note: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~nakhleh/Papers/recombcg06-jcb.pdf.
Cuong Than,
Derek Ruths,
Hideki Innan and
Luay Nakhleh. Identifiability Issues in Phylogeny-Based Detection of Horizontal Gene Transfer. In Proceedings of the Fourth RECOMB Comparative Genomics Satellite Workshop (RECOMB-CG'06), Vol. 4205:215-229 of LNCS, springer, 2006. Keywords: explicit network, from rooted trees, from species tree, lateral gene transfer, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, Program LatTrans, Program PhyloNet. Note: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~nakhleh/Papers/recombcg06-final.pdf.
Luay Nakhleh,
Derek Ruths and
Hideki Innan. Gene Trees, Species Trees, and Species Networks. In
R. Guerra,
D. B. Allison and
D. Goldstein editors, Meta-analysis and Combining Information in Genetics and Genomics, 2009. Keywords: coalescent, explicit network, from rooted trees, from species tree, phylogenetic network, phylogeny, reconstruction. Note: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~nakhleh/Papers/GuerraGoldsteinBookChapter.pdf.