Philippe Gambette,
Vincent Berry and
Christophe Paul. The structure of level-k phylogenetic networks. In CPM09, Vol. 5577:289-300 of LNCS, springer, 2009. Keywords: coalescent, explicit network, galled tree, level k phylogenetic network, phylogenetic network, Program Recodon. Note:
Toggle abstract
"Evolution is usually described as a phylogenetic tree, but due to some exchange of genetic material, it can be represented as a phylogenetic network which has an underlying tree structure. The notion of level was recently introduced as a parameter on realistic kinds of phylogenetic networks to express their complexity and tree-likeness. We study the structure of level-k networks, and how they can be decomposed into level-k generators. We also provide a polynomial time algorithm which takes as input the set of level-k generators and builds the set of level-(k + 1) generators. Finally, with a simulation study, we evaluate the proportion of level-k phylogenetic networks among networks generated according to the coalescent model with recombination. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg."
AUTHOR = {Gambette, Philippe and Berry, Vincent and Paul, Christophe},
TITLE = {The structure of level-k phylogenetic networks},
YEAR = {2009},
VOLUME = {5577},
PAGES = {289-300},
PUBLISHER = {springer},
URL = {},
NOTE = {},
KEYWORDS = {coalescent, explicit network, galled tree, level k phylogenetic network, phylogenetic network, Program Recodon} }